KALI magazine

High quality EVOO: Boosting your health with po...
Did you ever wonder why your throat is sometimes tingling or even burning when you taste high quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)?
High quality EVOO: Boosting your health with po...
Did you ever wonder why your throat is sometimes tingling or even burning when you taste high quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)?

Harvest 2018
The harvest has been characterized by high quality olives and by a low and uneven distribution of the fruits on the canopy.
Harvest 2018
The harvest has been characterized by high quality olives and by a low and uneven distribution of the fruits on the canopy.

The Egyptian clover: a key ally of organic farmers
Crop rotation in organic farming is a vital practice that maintains soil nutrients, suppresses weeds, and controls pests.
The Egyptian clover: a key ally of organic farmers
Crop rotation in organic farming is a vital practice that maintains soil nutrients, suppresses weeds, and controls pests.