
Technology and organic EVOO

As our motto says, i.e., where nature and human ingenuity meet on Tuscany hills, our main objective is using a very rigorous and scientific approach in all our agricultural practices. This idea comes from the background of our family, where engineering and medicine have been always lived together.

Starting from these principles, the harvesting and processing of the olives is performed using state-of-the-art technology. First, starting in the spring we have implemented a micro irrigation system that is remotely controlled and monitored in order to always provide the trees with the correct amount of moisture. Indeed, it is well know that robust irrigation can improve quality and yield, but, at the same time can potentially decrease the final polyphenol content of the obtained organic EVOO. So an adequate balance needs to be found, and every season needs to be uniquely planned. During the ripening process, we monitor with in-house developed equipment based on near IR sensing the evolution of the olives, the content of chlorophyl, pigment, water and sugar. Also, weekly randomized test are preformed to monitor the presence of the olive fly. Based on these parameters, we might use kaolin to protect the olives from the fly as well as from the intense heat.

When is time to harvest, we strictly use only electric shaker rakes to collect the olives while preventing any contamination by mineral oils. After harvesting, the olives are never kept in the bins for more than three hours and immediate extraction is performed. First the olives are washed and the leaves are removed. Afterwards, to enhance the aromatic profile and the polyphenol concentration, a blade crusher is used to extract the olive paste. It is well known that the polyphenols in the organic EVOO are not the same as the ones in the original olives, which are water soluble. The crusher plays thus the most critical role in this process. During extraction we specifically focus on optimizing its angular velocity (usually between 2500 rpm and 4000 rpm) and regulate its temperature using a refrigeration unit.

The paste is then quickly transferred in the malaxer, where temperature and malaxing time are strictly monitored and adjusted. Each variety has different characteristics as shown in the technical literature, so time and temperature need to be adjusted in real time depending on varieaty and ripness. The paste is then sent into the decanter, that separates the organic EVOO from the wet pomace. For superior quality, no separator is used, but only mechanical filtration. Finally the extracted organic EVOO is immediately stored in stainless steel containers under food-grade Argon gas to prevent any possible oxidation during storage, and at controlled temperature around 14 degrees Celsius.


General health benefits references


Polyphenol references


Cooking references


Conservation references