KALI EVOO 2022 Awards

EVOO DOP e PGI 2022 Regional Selection (Tuscany)

Selected for the “EVOO DOP e PGI 2022 Regional Selection” of the “Regione Toscana” (Tuscany local government) with special mention in the categories Polyphenols and Best Packaging.


Awarded with the “Goccia d’Oro” (Golden Drop) at the international olive oil competition AIPO d’Argento 2022 in the three categories DOP-PGI medium fruitiness, Blend medium fruitiness, and Organic medium fruitiness, awarded with the “Goccia d’Oro” in the category "Monovarietal", and awarded as best EVOO overall – region of origin "ITALIANO" – Tuscany.

Maestrod'olio: Gemma

Awarded with the “Gemma Mastrod’olio” (Oil Master Gem) at the olive oil competition TERRED'OLIO 2022

Berlin GOOA: Platinum and Gold Awards


Awarded with the Platinum Award – High Polyphenols and with the Gold Award – Organic at the international olive oil competition Berlin GOOA 2022.



Awarded with the second place overall in the category Best of Polyphenols and with the Silver Prize – Organic at the international olive oil competition JOOP 2022 in Tokyo.

NYIOOC: Gold Award

Awarded with the Gold Award at the international olive oil competition NYIOOC 2022 in New York.

Der Feinschmecker Olio Award

Mentioned with three “Feinschmecker Effs” in the "Die 200 besten Olivenöle der Welt 2022 – Olio Award 2022" guide by the German culinary magazine Der Feinschmecker.

Gambero Rosso

Mentioned with “Due Foglie Rosse” (two red leaves) in the “Oli d'Italia 2022” guide by Gambero Rosso.

Slow Food Italia

Mentioned as “Novità” (novelty) in the “Guida agli Extra Vergini 2022” guide by Slow Food Italia.